
Nuud: deo for everyone

Nuud: deo for everyone

Heb jij thuis ook die bussen of rollers deo, waarvan je weet dat ze eigenlijk super schadelijk zijn voor zowel jou als deze planeet? En wil jij overstappen, maar waar vind je toch deodorant die het allemaal heeft? Nuud maakt je blij: Totaal onschadelijk voor […]

Crispy business – NL

Crispy business – NL

Lekker, zo een chipje tijdens je favoriete tv-show of film. Maar wat laten wij nu eigenlijk achter, als we vervolgens de lege chipzak weggooien? Een hoop troep! Wat betekent een hoop dieren ziek in de oceaan, of nog meer op de vuilnishoop waar de chipszak […]

Microplastics found in our poop

Microplastics found in our poop

Plastic is everywhere. In our food, in our water, in the air we breath. But now, it is officially found in our stool. In a research, where they selected a different variety of people all over the world, they came back with results that are […]

Diapers – cute and washable

Diapers – cute and washable

Good for the environment, your wallet and the future and health of your child: washable diapers. But why are they so much better? Well, we all know that the plastic disposable diapers are bad in a lot of ways. We already have so much plastic […]

Piece of meat: facts

Piece of meat: facts

Meat used to be a luxury, now everyone can eat meat, and a lot of it as well. There are different reasons nowadays, why people don’t eat meat anymore. Of course some do it for the well-being of the animals, because it is horrible how […]

How to make a bee bath

How to make a bee bath

“Creating a bee-friendly garden means more than just planting flowers.” And that is completely true! Bees, like we do, need some water during the day and with all the busy bees taking care of us it is very important to create a water resource or […]

Why is plastic so horrible?

Why is plastic so horrible?

If you talk about plastic with other people, you notice that most people do not get why plastic is so bad for us. And the biggest question that you will get, is why it is so necessary to avoid áll single-use plastic. We can cut […]

Do-It-Yourself Day 5: Face it!

Do-It-Yourself Day 5: Face it!

We all want a face like a baby’s skin. Well, not literally of course, but we want that smooth skin that is looking clean and fresh. You probably already tried some face wash or masks to cleanse the pores. Maybe you did some peeling to […]

Do-It-Yourself Day 4: Scrub ’till you drop

Do-It-Yourself Day 4: Scrub ’till you drop

Your face and body need a little extra care these days, with the pollution going on and all the nasty chemicals that are floating around. Like we mentioned in previous posts, the products we use are often not much better, because of all the ingredients […]

Do-It-Yourself Day 3: Fresh as a daisy

Do-It-Yourself Day 3: Fresh as a daisy

You wake up, get out of bed and freshen yourself up. Put on some deodorant, get dressed and get to your destination. But secretly we all know that products, like deodorant, are filled with toxins that can cause cancers and are very bad for your […]

Do-It-Yourself Day 2: Kiss and tell

Do-It-Yourself Day 2: Kiss and tell

It is well-known that it is best to brush your teeth three times a day. But they don’t tell you that the toothpaste you use is not that good for your teeth ór healthy. And we are not even talking about all the plastic toothpaste […]

Do-It-Yourself Day 1: Good Hair Day

Do-It-Yourself Day 1: Good Hair Day

Hair is sometimes the giveaway of a persons character. Does somebody dye it or not, the colours they choose and of course the style. With that it is ridiculous how many products there are in the supermarket, and how many really dó take care of […]

Healthy tips&tricks on cleaning in every situation

Healthy tips&tricks on cleaning in every situation

We always like some tips & tricks! This time we have some from Groom+Style about cleaning in a healthy way, for you and this world. We know that detergents can be very dangerous, due to the chemical ingredients they contain. Even ‘anti-bacterial’ soap or the […]

Start of a ban on straws, stirrers & cotton swabs in UK

Start of a ban on straws, stirrers & cotton swabs in UK

The UK has proposed a ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton swabs. This is a very big step. Yearly milions of these products get lost on landfills or in the ocean, with the consequence of being eaten by other animals. Yes, people. We are […]

Plant Power – NL

Plant Power – NL

Steeds meer mensen kiezen voor een gezonder en wereld-vriendelijker bestaan. De levensstijl verandert, niet altijd omdat men dit wil maar vooral omdat het ook nodig is. En achteraf vallen deze veranderingen eigenlijk ook reuze mee! Plant Power is een organisatie die informatie biedt over plantaardig […]

Chocopasta, beregoed..Of niet? – NL

Chocopasta, beregoed..Of niet? – NL

Tegenwoordig worden steeds meer ingrediënten ‘fairtrade’ gewonnen voor voedingsproducten. Maar nog steeds veel te weinig. Helemaal omdat zuivere producties altijd controle toelaten. En waarom is het nu zo belangrijk dat wij opletten wat de afkomst is van ons voedsel? Los van je eigen gezondheid, draait […]

Travelling plastic-free

Travelling plastic-free

Many people think that it is unavoidable to use plastic when you are on holiday. Especially when people travel to Asia or South America, people are convinced there is no other way. Of course there is! Here are a few tips Take 3 gives us […]

Kids Eco-u Launch!

Kids Eco-u Launch!

After the success of Eco-u, we wanted to do something more focused on our little humans. What do they find interesting? What needs to be changed and how would they do it? After some classes we taught on a primary school, a few of the […]

Ten uses for olive oil

Ten uses for olive oil

A lot of people already know how valuable olive oil can be. For our skin or hair or just for very good cooking. Here are 10 uses Care2 shows for olive oil, including a few which you probably don’t know yet! – Make your own […]

Lush – EN&NL

Lush – EN&NL

Ethical buying, handmade, against animal-cruelty, almost zero-waste policy, recycled plastic when used. Do we need to go on? Lush is an international company that invests in important aspects that should be normal nowadays. When you visit a Lush store, you smell the delicious flavors and […]

Straws, you shall not pass

Straws, you shall not pass

We talked about plastic a lot, all the horrible consequences and the amount of plastics used daily, weekly and yearly. Different cities and places in the world are getting plastic straw-free, what is very good and we hope this will keep going. The United Kingdom […]

Lights go out

Lights go out

A blanket that falls over you like an avalanche. It keeps you warm but freezes you at the same time. You can’t get out and there is nowhere to go. Let it go or fight through it? What if the fight is endless and it […]

Create the colour in this world

Create the colour in this world

Our campaign, ‘Sta je stil, zet je motor uit’ or ‘Let it be, idle-free’, has been raising a lot of questions over the last months. Many people see the horrendous clouds of dirt coming out of cars when waiting for traffic lights and in front of […]

A rose in a potato

A rose in a potato

We all like flowers. They are delicate, have amazing colours and when they flourish it is a beautiful sight. Personally, I’d rather receive a plant than a bouquet of flowers. I want to see something grow and not cut off. (Sorry, bouquet-fans!) So, what if […]



Looking for a new shirt or bag? And do you love to travel or have good memories of a particular city? “The main focus is to explore the surfaces of cities, searching for overlooked, seemingly insignificant details on the pavement, which turn out to be […]

Ban on microbeads – First U.S. now U.K.

Ban on microbeads – First U.S. now U.K.

It is not completely what it should be, but we can be quite happy about these first steps. The United Kingdom proposed a ban on microplastics. “A ban would be brought in on microplastics in “rinse-off” cosmetics and personal care products like toothpaste.” The United […]

Plastic in our tapwater

Plastic in our tapwater

It is getting more scary everyday: Plastic is now found in tapwater around the world. “The US had the highest contamination rate, at 94%, with plastic fibres found in tap water sampled at sites including Congress buildings, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters, and Trump […]

Goat Organic Apparel – EN&NL

Goat Organic Apparel – EN&NL

The ‘About us’ says it all: “We care about the world, animals make us happy and we love people. This is in the core of our founding sisters and therefore, the core of everything we do. We use only eco-friendly fabrics, produce under strict people-first […]

Pela Case – For iPhones

Pela Case – For iPhones

Even though we are not a big fan of iPhones, due to the lack of human rights in the factories and the use of materials, we are happy to see Pela Case. This case for iPhones is made of plant-based materials, so no plastic in […]

Ride of an Elephant

Ride of an Elephant

It seems beautiful, an encounter with an elephant. Even if the elephant is in chains, doing tricks or ‘free’ in a so-called sanctuary where they are still used for entertainment. Open your eyes and know that your dream is about meeting a wild elephant that […]

Tips to replace the plastic straw

Tips to replace the plastic straw

In a plastic-free July it is nice to leave the plastic straws behind. They even say that there are so much straws used every day worldwide, you can wrap them around the planet a few times. Say what? The useless things kill and hurt animals […]

‘Sta je stil, zet je motor uit’ campaign -NL

‘Sta je stil, zet je motor uit’ campaign -NL

We leven in een maatschappij waarin een auto niet weg te denken is, en de autogassen geaccepteerd zijn in onze lucht, onze omgeving en zelfs in de buurt van onze kinderen. Zolang deze manier van brandstof zal bestaan, zullen wij manieren moeten vinden om zoveel […]

9 Tips to make your July easily plastic-free

9 Tips to make your July easily plastic-free

Plastic, plastic, plastic. When will you ever notice that you are not wanted. It is like a virus. You make us sick. You spread like crazy. And everyone thinks only specialists know how to get rid of you. Do you want to be a specialist […]

Miss Green, don’t miss it – NL

Miss Green, don’t miss it – NL

Miss Green is een Europees kledingmerk, opgericht door Maaike Groen in 2008. Het merk staat voor duurzaamheid, eerlijkheid en respect. Dit voor zowel de mensen die onze kleding maken als de kopers die de kleding dragen. Het is belangrijk om ‘schone’ kleding te hebben die […]

Ecover, cleaning your future – EN&NL

Ecover, cleaning your future – EN&NL

Everyone knows how damaging cleaning products are, not only for the environment but for our health as well. And it is not just the heavy cleaning products like bleach or descaler that are very dangerous, but also the less heavy products like detergent. Besides that, […]

Realize what you throw out

Realize what you throw out

One pack of cigarettes doesn’t seem to be a lot of trash, but how much cigarettes do you smoke in a year? And not only the package of the cigarette is a waste that ends up somewhere on this planet. A lot of people just […]

Cambodia #6 – End of the trip

Cambodia #6 – End of the trip

It is the end of the trip, but not the end of the fight in Cambodia. Seen a lot, heard a lot and felt a lot. With the knowledge I received from all the people we met on the road, we can now move forward. […]

Cambodia #5 – Never ever

Cambodia #5 – Never ever

The beautiful, abandoned jungle. Its fruits bring us joy but its paths are open for all the bad. Some should be undiscovered, some should be kept hidden. Will we ever find ourselves again, or lose it furthermore? Fight for yourself, your right and your passion. […]

Cambodia #4 – Beach cleanup

Cambodia #4 – Beach cleanup

Enjoying a day at the beach..after we cleaned up all day ofcourse. We all enjoy a beautiful beach with palm trees, but where do we walk on and swim in? Would you walk on a beach that is full of trash and still enjoy this […]

Twenty-one brands that are sustainable&fair

Twenty-one brands that are sustainable&fair

Summer is here and new clothes are wanted. Sweaters locked up in the closet and tshirts are welcomed again. But now we know how it works with most brands, the hard labor, abuse and all the pollution the clothing industry creates, it is difficult to […]

France did it, who is next

France did it, who is next

This was in is 2017 now. Which country will follow? Think it is a good idea? Check the markets and supermarkets in your city and see what they do with the leftovers. And maybe the city council wants to join this idea and make […]

Almost all sea salt contaminated with plastic

Almost all sea salt contaminated with plastic

“What goes around, comes around, eventually.” We know we need to cut out plastic. But do we? Is it still too easy to just ignore the fact plastic is ruining our ecosystem? And do not use the ‘recycle’ card, we all know how recycling works. […]



Opzoek naar leuke cadeautjes of accessoires voor in huis? Een nieuwe kinderkamer op komst of misschien toe aan een ontspannen dagje voor jezelf? En vind jij het ook belangrijk dat hier niets en niemand ten koste van gaat? Kijk dan op de website van Babongo! […]

Mascara wands to the rescue

Mascara wands to the rescue

For the ones that wear make-up and use mascara this article will be great. What to do with the plastic little things when they’re empty? There is one special cause you can help by sending the mascara brushes to them. “These wands can be cleaned […]

The Zero Waste Shop

The Zero Waste Shop

If you walk in a common supermarket you see waste flying around. One puts cookies, packed in two layers of plastic in their basket. Others put the bell pepper, packed in plastic again, in their cart. Carton, plastic, plastic, and carton again. All those layers […]

Story of bottled water

Story of bottled water

Story of Stuff always have informative, yet fun videos to watch. Now they have a video about the life of a plastic water bottle, and what would be a better solution. Of course we all know by now that plastic is something we have to […]

Small changes, Big difference

Small changes, Big difference

All these comments about how we have to change our ways, to make it in the end. So what cán you do as one person? And do the little things you do, make such an impact in the end? YES! Évery step you take, every […]



A more high-end shop if you need a new, eco-friendly jacket. “Since 2009 we have been producing eco fashion in Shanghai. With our sustainable manufactory we are pioneering fair production and employment practices in China. LangerChen is dedicated to eco friendly and certified organic practices, […]

Rob Greenfield & How to be a change

Rob Greenfield & How to be a change

Yesterday I was in Gent, Belgium, for an eco-event organized by two brothers: Quinten and Lennert Prinsen. The room was packed and there was a lot of interesting information about ‘how to be a change in a messed up world’. Only the plastic cups and […]

Veja shoes: the new normal

Veja shoes: the new normal

Looking for some nice sneakers? Veja shoes has it all and the best thing: it doesn’t hurt people or the planet. The lookbook of Spring/Summer 2017 is online and there is a lot of shoe-candy to see! There are even rollerskates for sale, that has […]

Eating eggs? Eat eggs from chickens with a beak – NL

Eating eggs? Eat eggs from chickens with a beak – NL

Tegenwoordig kun je de eieren in de supermarkt halen, maar er zijn mensen die zweren bij het halen van eieren bij de boer. Maar of je nu je eieren bij de boer haalt of in de supermarkt, het belangrijkste is de leefomgeving van de kip […]



Tears. Sadness and anger. My jaws clenched and my body weakened but strengthened. Lion, a movie about a child from India that gets adopted by people in Australia. All the terrible things this child is in the middle of, all the horrors others kids experience […]

For the ladies: organicup

For the ladies: organicup

Allergies, hygiene, easiness, environment.. all reasons to quit those supermarket tampons or pads. Organicup is a new solution that is great for all. Made of medical grade silicone, it is good for your body and good for your wallet. “Did you know… The worlds first […]

The story of Microfibers

The story of Microfibers

The story of stuff project has a new video about microfibers. “Most of us wear synthetic fabrics like polyester every day. Our dress shirts, yoga pants, fleeces, and even underwear are all increasingly made of synthetic materials — plastic, in fact. But these synthetic fabrics, […]

swallow this

swallow this

Joanna Blythman, a British investigative food journalist, writer and broadcaster, wrote this book about the food industry. She has gained access to several layers in the industry like the suppliers, the factories and insiders to get all the facts about what we are truly putting […]

Komodo Fashion

Komodo Fashion

“Inspired by the culture and colours of Asia and passionate about creating an eclectic mix out of Eastern and Western design ideas, Komodo became the label to watch at fashion shows in London, Paris, Florence and Tokyo. Joe Komodo says.. “It’s a privilege of our […]

What products contain palm oil? – NL

What products contain palm oil? – NL

“In de meeste voorverpakte snacks geproduceerd door de bekende grote bedrijven zoals Nestle en Unilever zit palmolie. Als je niet zeker weet of een product palmolie bevat, tik dan het product in op Google met daarnaast het woord ‘palmolie’ en kijk wat er uit komt. […]

Geitenwollenshirts Fashion

Geitenwollenshirts Fashion

Kleding die op een eerlijke manier voor mens en milieu zijn gemaakt. “Waarom zou het milieu moeten lijden voor onze shirts? En waarom zouden er werkers in andere landen lage lonen moeten krijgen? Mooi niet dus! Kies gewoon voor eerlijk en organic. Dan is en […]

Baking Soda Everywhere!

Baking Soda Everywhere!

Want to know how to clean..everything!..without poisoning yourself ór your surroundings? It’s cheap, simple, healthy and really handy. (Voor de Nederlanders onder ons: Je kunt het bij de AlbertHeyn verkrijgen voor 1.69.) Try and see for yourself! 51 Uses of baking soda!

Armed Angels 10 years

Armed Angels 10 years

Eco&Fair All time favorite pieces, ethically made. You decide! Shop online Armed Angels