We strive for equal rights in a realistic world. And the topic about women and career has always been popular.
Now the digital era is here, people see the difference in the amount of men working in technology and science in comparison to the amount of women. Of course, it is about interest and brain structure, but there are plenty of girls that are interested in technology but choose differently because of the image of technology being something for men. That is not okay. Technology is for everyone.
DIY Girls is an organisation in Los Angeles that supports girls in technology.
“DIY (“Do-It-Yourself”) Girls’ mission is to increase girls’ interest and success in technology, engineering and making through innovative educational experiences and mentor relationships. We’re a supportive community for girls driven by an interest in creating and building with technology.”
One of the projects that came out of this is an invention that includes the homeless, people you see a lot in and around L.A. “DIY Girls is inventing a tent made of insulating, durable material with integrated solar powered devices and lighting that can collapse into a backpack. This invention is made to benefit displaced people: homeless, refugees, or immigrants.”
We find it very inspiring to do something with technology for the better.