Petition to ban this horse-mistreatment in Charleston

Petition to ban this horse-mistreatment in Charleston

“The Wagon Companies always have a weak excuse but the public and tourists are finally seeing the reality of life as an enslaved Wagon Horse in a crowded city.

“There is no way that cities, with their exhaust fumes, hard road surfaces, and busy traffic patterns can provide a humane … environment for a carriage horse.”
—Veterinarian Holly Cheever

Please sign and share and help stop the Wagon companies from animal abuse and bullying the Animal Rights Advocats.”

On the website of Peta you find more information why horses deserve better than being a carriage-horse in a city and what more you can do to stop this.

Petition to ban horse-drawn carriage rides in Charleston
More information on about the issues on horse-drawn-carriages

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