SAS, or Surfers Against Sewage, is “an environmental charity protecting the UK’s oceans, waves and beaches for all to enjoy safely and sustainably, via community action, campaigning, volunteering, conservation, education and scientific research.”
That’s a lot! And it is needed a lot.
The sunnier days are breaking through and many will think of the beach.
Going with the kids, playing in the water or enjoying just laying flat on the sand.
Well, that is a good picture but sadly not perfect. Because of all the trash that comes out of the sea onto our beaches, it is almost getting dangerous.
From the cans that people drop, to the plastics that get eaten by the birds or sea animals (who sadly die of it).
Luckily the surfers won’t accept it anymore for the UK beaches and oceans. Lots of volunteers help by collecting trash for example to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Want to help in your own country? Start by taking home everything you use or throw it in a bin. And if you are walking towards the beach, take the little plastics and trash out of the sand and into a garbage bin. If everyone would do this, it would be a paradise again instead of turning into a landfill!