Tag: India

Not another brick in the wall

Not another brick in the wall

We all wonder from time to time how we can be an addition to this world, how to help others and look out for a bright future in a structural way. Kalyan Akkipeddi had one of the solutions: build a whole village so people can […]

Helpusgreen upcycles the religious flowers in India

Helpusgreen upcycles the religious flowers in India

Flowers are vulnerable and especially pretty. They are very important for a lot of ecosystems but also for religious purposes. We all know the beautiful and colorful traditions in India, if it is for birthdays, passings or religious days. But what we don’t know, is […]

Do leather workers matter?

Do leather workers matter?

“Around 2,5 million workers in the Indian leather industry often face unacceptable working conditions that violate their human rights and seriously affect their health. Toxic chemicals used in tanneries often very negatively impact the health of the workers. Less known are the many labour and […]