Tag: UK

Crispy business – NL

Crispy business – NL

Lekker, zo een chipje tijdens je favoriete tv-show of film. Maar wat laten wij nu eigenlijk achter, als we vervolgens de lege chipzak weggooien? Een hoop troep! Wat betekent een hoop dieren ziek in de oceaan, of nog meer op de vuilnishoop waar de chipszak […]

Start of a ban on straws, stirrers & cotton swabs in UK

Start of a ban on straws, stirrers & cotton swabs in UK

The UK has proposed a ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton swabs. This is a very big step. Yearly milions of these products get lost on landfills or in the ocean, with the consequence of being eaten by other animals. Yes, people. We are […]

Ban on microbeads – First U.S. now U.K.

Ban on microbeads – First U.S. now U.K.

It is not completely what it should be, but we can be quite happy about these first steps. The United Kingdom proposed a ban on microplastics. “A ban would be brought in on microplastics in “rinse-off” cosmetics and personal care products like toothpaste.” The United […]

Sign to tell Theresa May to ban all ivory in the UK

Sign to tell Theresa May to ban all ivory in the UK

Theresa May, a name you hear in the news often these days. She is a British politician and she has been in the politics for a few years now. Now she is prime minister of the UK again and she is already showing her true […]

Sign to ban all plastic bags in the United Kingdom

Sign to ban all plastic bags in the United Kingdom

Another ban for plastic, and this time it is plastic bags. Plastic remains, not for a few months or years, but forever. And to not make matters worse than they already are, this ban would be a great step. The UK would do great without […]