The Zero Waste Shop

The Zero Waste Shop

If you walk in a common supermarket you see waste flying around. One puts cookies, packed in two layers of plastic in their basket. Others put the bell pepper, packed in plastic again, in their cart. Carton, plastic, plastic, and carton again. All those layers around your food, you probably just throw it away. It is a lot.

And this waste is polluting the planet, our lives, and we know it.

The Zero Waste Shop in Devon, UK, is the shop we all want to go to for our products!
“We have a vision for the kind of world we want our children to grow up in and this shop is helping to make that a reality. It is with pride that we open our doors to you, as we work together as a community in creating a healthier planet.”

The lovely family, that build this great idea into a shop, welcomes you daily from 10.00 – 17.30.

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